Keep a Lover from straying
Tradition: Witchcraft
Purpose: To ensure your lover stay true to you and overcome any uncharacteristic desire they have for others.
- A piece of pen and paper
- Basil leaves
- A piece of amber
- A pouch
To be done the day after a new moon.
Draw a pentagram and at each of the points of the star, write your full name.
In the middle of the pentagram, write the persons full name.
Call upon the basil spirit to assist you in this spell and sprinkle the basil over the paper.
Call upon the amber spirit to assist you in this spell and place the amber in the middle of the paper.
Wrap the basil and amber with the paper.
Place the charm in the pouch.
Take the pouch to a river, lake, spring or pond.
Dip the pouch into the water and recite:
Thank you, goddess of the Moon.
Fulfill my desire and let it be.
Direct _____ love only to me.
This is my will, so mote it be.
Take the pouch out of the water and bury it near the home of your lover.