Tradition: Witchcraft
- Black salt
- Himalayan pink salt
- 4 pieces of laurel bay leaves
- Rose petals
- Witch Hazel
- A black towel
- Ritual dagger
Purpose: A water elemental bath spell to break hexes placed on you. Best results when done consecutively once a day, for 8 days from Saturday to Saturday.
Methodology: Use the black towel to wipe yourself with the bath water from top to bottom.
Cleanse the space and cast your intention.
Place the herbs in a mortal & pestle and invite the herb spirits involved in the spells for assistance.
Crush and mix every herb, charging them with an energy ball and gnosis.
Consecrate the herbs with your athame, drawing the Saturn ♄ symbol over it.
Fill your mortar with cold water and wipe yourself down from top to bottom.
Repeat daily for best results.
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